Hydrogen East: East of England Hydrogen Cluster Round Table
Hydrogen East and Cambridge Cleantech supported by East of England Energy Group (EEEGR)
will be holding a East of England Hydrogen Cluster Round Table to explore the opportunity to
establish an Industrial Advisory Group to further promote and support the development of a
globally significant hydrogen cluster and economy in the East of England. This will see invited
guests spanning companies and stakeholders across value chains in the East of England,
including the hydrogen, energy and water sectors, transport and industry, and the wider
The East of England is exceptionally well positioned to develop a globally significant hydrogen
economy. The region already has many strengths across the hydrogen value chain and has
potential to stimulate both supply and demand side actions within the region.
Establishing an Industry Advisory Group (IAG) to promote and develop a project that will
capitalise on this opportunity requires cooperation and coordination across private and public
sector partners. Following the successful Hydrogen East and Cambridge Cleantech model,
participants will be invited to be part of this group and to ensure that this once in a generation
opportunity to establish the region as a global leader in Hydrogen is not missed.
About Hydrogen East
Hydrogen East is dedicated to stimulating and accelerating the hydrogen economy, bringing
together interested parties and key stakeholders, and leading on the development of an East of
England hydrogen cluster. Hydrogen East’s commitment is to raise awareness of both existing
and potential innovative hydrogen opportunities across all sectors.
For further information please contact: ellie.udomwong@netzeroeast.uk