Bright Green Hydrogen: Teaching the power of hydrogen to the next generation
Bright Green Hydrogen are a not-for-profit renewable energy organisation based in Methil, Fife, Scotland. We provide outreach to educational establishments, schools, universities and colleges covering a wide range of interactive experiences including renewable energy, green hydrogen, and the sustainability benefits of using renewable sources has on the climate.
Bright Green Hydrogen are undertaking educational outreach to schools in the Levenmouth area of Fife, on behalf of SGN H100 Fife: The worlds-first green hydrogen neighbourhood to the home pilot.
The outreach will involve pupils learning about hydrogen, making electrolysing hydrogen to be used in a fuel cell to power a motor which will run a car. Pupils will learn all about the safety of hydrogen
and also learn about the need to have electrolysers at the optimum temperature for better efficiency of their vehicles.
For further information click here.